
Introducing Cambodian Mondulriki Cocoa from KamKav Farms

Introducing Cambodian Mondulriki Cocoa from KamKav Farms

Kamkav Farms produced an excellent harvest in 2019 and we were lucky enough to get some of the crop from Mondulriki. We went to great efforts to bring this bean to Dark Arts and it was well worth it. My brother Justin went the whole way to Cambodia to bring us these beans directly and we worked with Chantal and his team to organize a network of taxis and tuk-tuks to pick up the beans closer to Phnom Penh.  Mondulriki is a remote region in the north west of the country.  The cocoa is grown in rich, red volcanic soil in an agroforest...

Exploring Cocoas From Around the World

Joshua Stitt

Exploring Cocoas From Around the World

The whole point of making your own chocolate is to explore the flavors of each type of cocoa bean from around the world.  Comparing the flavors that we taste from each region and the complex profiles each bean expresses is an obsession for true chocolate connoisseurs and its the reason that Dark Arts exists in the first place. We want to offer a taste of each type of chocolate and highlight its unique flavor characteristics.  Nuttiness and fruitiness, caramel and vanilla notes.  We want you to truly appreciate the wonderful flavors held in each bite.